Many teachers in Chippewa Falls are using Cornell Notes as a way to help students organize information for note-taking. I created a Google Docs template for use with Cornell Notes in Google Drive.
Students and teachers can use this template for digital note-taking*. Simply create a Google document, click File->New->From Template and find Cornell Notes in the Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District Templates tab near the top of the page.
This will create a copy of the template so that it can be modified and renamed with an appropriate file name, such as Chapter 1 Social Studies Notes right in Google Docs/Drive. This document can be shared or collaborated on with the same capabilities of other Google documents.
If you have any questions, please contact your Technology Coaches at x2216.
*Please note that it is not currently possible to utilize Google Docs with tables on them in Google Drive on the iPad. If you have specific questions regarding students using the iPads to utilize Cornell Notes, contact Sarah Radcliffe at x2216.
we were just talking about this.. Its a big thing in Flipped learning!!